Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hello Everyone,
I hope this blog post finds you well and thank you for your patience in these times. Some have been asking for more detailed lessons. Just as in our regular classroom setting, we all having different starting levels and unique family situations. Many parents are now working from home or caring for extended families. This shift in our everyday routines may be adding more thought to how we conduct ourselves.  Up until now, we have been making sure that people have electronic devices at home that a child can access. There is still work to be done there. We will move forward knowing that I will continue to reach out separately to those students who just aren't there "yet."
The first order of business is to do a Google Meet so we can talk with one another and see that we are all doing well.

You need to be invited to the chat. Your invite will be in your school email account on Friday morning. Our first virtual chat is on Monday April 6th at 10:00am. Another one is scheduled for Thursday April 9th at 12:00 noon for those who missed the first one or want to see one another again.

To get to your school email account:

  1. Go to the St. Rita website
  2. Click on the Student Portal Tab
  3. Gmail iconClick on the Mail icon  (You will need to scroll down a little)
  4. Type in :  (*don't forget to type in
  5. Type in your password: s and your 6 digit number from school. This is also in the front of your agenda.
  6. Open the email I will send you Friday morning and click on the link
  7. Click the green JOIN NOW button and away we go!
Once we meet a couple of times I will let you know what our next steps are to talk about how we manage our school work. Please continue to check the blog, the school website, emails and telephone messages for updates. 
Please make your first priority to keep well, feel loved and to be kind. The rest will fall into place as it should. I am not sure how to get all of our learning done while maintaining the physical distance that we need to follow but we will. I am excited for the challenge and I am grateful to be part of such a hard working class team. I miss you all and can't wait to see your smiling faces again!

Mrs. Pietrantonio

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