Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hello Everyone,

Take a look how our week went. Your child would be an excellent resource to ask questions to in order to add more detail for you.

We continue to work on money in Math. The focus of one of our lessons this week was that a collection of money can have the same value but can look very different. Here, the students were asked to represent $7.00. When we looked at everyone's answers, we could see how many students used the same collection BUT we also saw  how many students represented the same value except in a different way.

 We practised representing different money amounts in different ways throughout the week. The children really enjoyed a free website called  There is also an activity in Prodigy. It wasn't until Friday that we noticed that we did not construct any anchor charts. Our small group of 9 gave input to what we had already discovered throughout the week.

In Language we began our unit on QAR. Our goal is to answer questions with more detail and explanation by providing evidence as to how we came up with the answer.

We're back on track for our Library time to be on Wednesdays. Please ensure library books are handed in before that time.

As you know, the buses were cancelled on Friday. We had a grand total of 9 students. We had some great opportunities for review and for some collaborative problem solving questions.

Some are asking for the names of their classmates for Valentine's Day cards. I typically do not post names on the blog and to me, by now all students should know who is in their class. Here are some clues to help:
1. We have a class of 22 students.
2. We have 11 girls and here is the first letter of each girls' name: M, M, S, L, M, S, A, R, H, M, J.
3. We have 11 boys and here is the first letter of each boys' name: A, E, J, P, M, S, A, T, H, A, N. 
4. Each child has a nameplate with the correct spelling of their name on it that your child passes many times throughout the day. 💗💗
  • On Thursday February 13th, St. Rita School is supporting Ronald McDonald House. Please bring in a toonie and wear your pyjamas to school.
  • First term report cards are going home with your child Thursday February 13th. Please fill out and return the bottom of page 4 to request an interview time if you would like to discuss your child's progress.
  • There is no school On Friday February 14th or Monday February 17th.
  • Pizza and Subway lunch order forms are due February 19th. Please let me or the school office know if you are having difficulties completing your order.                                                    Have a great week!
  • French Pathway forms are due at the school soon. In order to assist you with your decision there is an information session at the school on Tuesday February 11th, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the Learning Commons.
  • Have a great week. I know we will!

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