Sunday, October 13, 2019

Use these visuals from our past week as a conversation starter with your child. Get your child to explain what is going on in the photo and why that learning concept is so important.
In Math, our class worked with sets of terms to determine the pattern rule.

Here is a link to the patterning skills and concepts we've been tackling in Math Up

In Language, the students recounted an event that happened to them over the weekend. This organizer was glued into their anchor chart dictionary so they can reference it after our class anchor charts come down as we move on to another type of writing.

We did an experiment in Science to see which shape is stronger- a square or a triangle? Ask your child what their result was.

We started our health unit on Healthy Eating. Many are already experts thanks to some good teaching and modeling happening at home. Ask your child how fruits and vegetables are good for our bodies and how many servings does a child their age need to have in a day.

Our time in the Learning Commons on Wednesday morning is evolving. Take a look at all the cool examples of deep learning happening thanks to Mrs. Sherwin. The students are so engaged that some forgot to take out books before our time ran out!

Our class explored what a horizon line is so that we could do a Fall scene with a definite foreground, middle ground and background. See if you can pick out your child's masterpiece.

  • Many children are handing in incomplete homework at the end of the week. Can I please ask you to ensure your child has done their homework correctly. A reminder that there is a sheet on the inside cover of your child's homework book that has the few easy steps they need to follow. This is the sheet a parent signed at the beginning of the year. Once they have done those few steps, please, if you can, take a moment to see if they did it correctly. The book is a means of practising skills and not assessing them. If you see your child is not using an upper case letter to start a sentence or is not writing a complete sentence, give them feedback for your child to correct their mistake. I can do this generally as a class but the feedback that you can give your child is individualized and immediate. It packs a more powerful punch.
  • Please ensure your child's swimming forms are brought back to school. I am still missing a bunch. Our class goes swimming October 22, 29th, and November 5th in the afternoon.
  • Popcorn Day is this Friday. Please stay tuned to your child's agenda, the school website and School Messenger for more details.

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