Saturday, September 7, 2019

We're off to a great start. Take a look at our first week together.

In Math, our class spent the first week reviewing some strategies for working with numbers specifically adding and subtracting. We all made lots of mistakes which led nicely into discussions about how mistakes are opportunities for learning. Taking risks, making mistakes or having success and learning from each outcome, is the common thread our class will focus on.
                                                          Find the sum of 2 numbers

     Now, look at what you already know and make connections to what you are trying to solve.

In Language, we've been learning what is to be expected for Daily 5.
Examples of read to someone whereby one child reads to the other and they switch. Ask your child what EEKK style means?

In Religion, our class has made connections to our spiritual theme which is "LOVE, KINDNESS AND MERCY." 
Ask your child what is similar about these bibles and what is different about them?

Our focus in gym this first month is cooperative games to encourage classroom community building. You should have heard the laughs during this activity!

Finally, I usually read to the class during snack time.
Ask your child to tell you the main idea of one of the stories.

  • All are welcome to St. Rita Program Night this coming Wednesday @ 6:00pm.
  • Please fill out and return all forms that were in your child's agenda.
  • Please use school cash online to pay for your child's agenda.
  • Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes for school.

Have a great week. I know we will!!


  1. Thank you for your blog Mrs. P.

  2. Love seeing all the pictures and hearing what’s going on in class week by week. Thanks so much Mrs. P
    - Jessica
